Fire worm spawning !!!

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Caracas- Venezuela
ScubaBoard divers.... Hi !!!

I want to tell us about the diving of the weekend, Its was
Friday at night, I went at the water to 7:45pm, the
temperature was of 28ºC and teniamos the 10 visibility of mts very
good conditions, swimming until arriving at the immersion point, our
companions only was, one night full of lightning, the beautiful
brilliance of placnton, flying fish that danced around to ours, a good
visibility and temperature; happy for being able to appreciate the Coral spawning
Lamentably we did not appreciate the coral spawning, maybe by the
time of arrival, but if we could see the FIRE worm spawning,
I really do not have much information about this in individual, but,
he was really fantastic to get to see hundreds of them, with his
varied colors and sizes, few solitaires , another in a community ( a one arrive of the
other) and a few raised throwing sperm
really, it was a very beautiful, full event of a magic movement in
the marine environment. Also we saw octupus, marine cockroaches,
bivalvos, nudibranchs, black sea urchin, white sea urchin, black and white urchin ,Chritsmas tree worms , sponges, cucumbers, ophinuirodea brittle star.etc....
was a truely spectacular diving...
If somebody know about the fire worm spawning please write me... thanks and regards.
Valentina C.A.
You saw hundreds of fire worms? Spawning?! Wow, I've never seen or even read about this anywhere. I think my coral reef professors must've left this little tidbit out of study notes. Supply us with more details, and see if you can get a mod to shift this over to the marine life forum so the nature/photo divers hear about it.

The only worm spawns I've seen are from those silly little glowing epitokes. Those come from much smaller and less dramatic marine worms.

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