A lot of the evaluation of gear choices for the GUE configuration comes down to simple, reliable, and uncomplicated. In addition, fins in particular are viewed with an eye to versatility with non-silting propulsion techniques, and suitability for proximity to line.
The Novas are, at least in my experience, EXCELLENT fins for translating leg effort into propulsion with the flutter/modified flutter class of kicks. One can also fairly easily back kick in them. But the frog kick is suboptimal, because the little side tabs on the fins impede the loading phase of the kick.
In addition, the fins have a reputation from breaking at the pins that connect the heel and toe portions, and this fails the reliability test. A couple thousand feet back in a cave is not where you want a fin to break (and it's where it WILL break, because Murphy loves divers
Furthermore, the peculiar anatomy of the fin offers great places for line to catch and tangle.
The fins are also very expensive, and although GUE diving doesn't avoid expensive items (far from it!) it usually holds the idea that the benefit should be commensurate with the expenditure, or you are better off buying some simpler and putting the other money toward more diving or training.
I have actually ordered a set of Novas on a special deal for pros, because quite simply, I can't keep up with students who are using them in my other fins. But they will be for teaching only, and I would certainly never defend them as meeting the GUE criteria for gear.