finally saying hello

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Kansas City
i've been reading the forums for quite sometime, but this is my first post.

My husband and I have been diving for a little over a year. We've done 37 dives in lakes and quaries in the midwest and 1 dive in the aquariam at Epcot.

I'm looking foward to one day getting to the ocean.


thanks to all for the great tips. maybe i'll have something to contribute someday.
Welcome to the boards!!

How did you like the Epcot dive??
care to tell us about it??

"maybe i'll have something to contribute someday."

Maybe "someday" is here!! :wink:
A warm welcome from the warm waters of Asia. Do tell about the lake.....don't get much arould here.:D
I hope you make it to the ocean, too, but great job getting wet & staying wet!
Welcome lake_diver,

For your second post, how about telling us how you got to dive the Epcot aquarium? Was it a special arrangement, or can anyone sign up? Was it fun?

I dove a seaquarium in the Carribean and had a blast ,

Welcome Lake Diver.

I hope your lakes are better than ours in the UK. Some are like swimming in soup over here!
Yesterday wasn't too bad.. we were first into the water... before the slit got kicked up.
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here and Dive Safe.................Arduous

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