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Scott Sayles

Reaction score
Santa Clara, CA
For several months I have surfed the net reading scuba chat boards. Although many have been very informative, I was turned off by the constant theme of arguing about equipment selections and dive philosophies! After spending hours reading posts going back weeks on this board I'm ecstatic to register as a member!

I've been diving for 10+ years, have many c-cards (PADI DM, YMCA S.L.A.M., MFA, and specialties, + cross over certs...) I'm open to learning/listening to interesting opinions and diving related stuff from new divers and "old salts".

See you all on the board!


Originally posted by Scott Sayles
For several months I have surfed the net reading scuba chat boards. Although many have been very informative, I was turned off by the constant theme of arguing about equipment selections and dive philosophies! After spending hours reading posts going back weeks on this board I'm ecstatic to register as a member!

I've been diving for 10+ years, have many c-cards (PADI DM, YMCA S.L.A.M., MFA, and specialties, + cross over certs...) I'm open to learning/listening to interesting opinions and diving related stuff from new divers and "old salts".

See you all on the board!



Oh don't be diluded there are arguments on here too, but mostly people just hear others ideas and thoughts and add their own. It is not much of a hostile environment.

So I think you have now found your new home and no need to bother looking any further!

Welcome Home Scott!

BTW: Did you bring the Oreos? That is always up to the new guys to bring the Oreos for the first Surface Interval!
oreos? I thought we changed to cheezey crackers this past summer..... That a fall/winter thing I'm missing out on?
Scott, glad to see you here, you'll find the most interesting and informative reading here.

:jester: tony
Oreos? Crackers? Yikes, they get soggy on a boat! I must be behind the times... I'm still stuck on bringing Starburst.

Welcome Scott!
Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

Scott don't be fooled by the other seeking free food, it has always been BEEF JERKY or M&M's
Thanks a lot Scott see what you made me start a free for all food post.

Fishkiller you got any more beef jerky?

See how easy we are to get along with so long as there is plenty of food?
Originally posted by syruss32
.....Fishkiller you got any more beef jerky?

Syruss, too bad you won't be with us this weekend. I'm bringing fresh Schlulenburg mesquite jerky. Don't count on us saving you some! :p
Originally posted by Dee

Syruss, too bad you won't be with us this weekend. I'm bringing fresh Schlulenburg mesquite jerky. Don't count on us saving you some! :p

Dee you're killing me here...

Calgone Take Me Away.....

You are SOOOOOO wonderful.

I have not had schulenburg jerky in a really long time.

Welcome Scott. Always remember no bananas on the boat.


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