Film and XRays

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Central MA
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200 - 499
Will the X Ray machines at the airports damage 35mm film? Should I have it hand inspected instead?
x-rays can potentially damage film, i am not sure if the x-ray energy used is large enough but i'd just be on the safe side and have it handinspected.
It depends on the film, but for the most part it isn't that big of a problem.

About a year and a half ago (back when I was logging 200K+ FF miles a year), I tried an experiment. I had all my film hand inspected wherever possible, but I also put three rolls in my camera case and ran them through the x-rays in San Diego, L.A., Seattle, Tokyo, Bangkok, Phuket, Singapore (a few times), Penang, Manila - a total of 14 trips through carry-on x-ray machines in all. The films were Velvia 50, Provia 100 and Provia 400. I had them processed without exposing them (also leaving the film uncut and unmounted). There was absolutely no degradation of the film.

Although I still ask for hand inspection whenever possible, I don't get too freaked out when it's refused.

One thing I would avoid are the lead lined "shielding" bags sold at some photo stores. Many x-ray machines vary the tube voltage to "punch thru" dense objects in luggage. They'll do this with the bags, causing the film to see more x-ray energy than it would if you had just left the cannisters unprotected.

nusspli once bubbled...
Will the X Ray machines at the airports damage 35mm film? Should I have it hand inspected instead?

X-Ray Machine at Airport WILL demage your film. Even the 100 ASA film. Eventhough the machine label say it is film safe, the reality is it cause damages @ 20% of the film EACH TIME you pass it through the machine.

Have you ever wonder why your film from a travel trip were under exposed and the colour seems dull? Now you know where the damage come from.

I sell photos, and I cannot afford to throw away 20 - 30 rows of films due to x-ray damages. I use lead lining bags, and I hand carry and insist on hand check. Try get a press/reporter pass from some web site. I show the pass to the airport security and insist that my job depends on the quality of my film. Most of the time I can get a hand check instead of x-ray machine.

Good Luck.
Beach Bum k10 once bubbled...

X-Ray Machine at Airport WILL demage your film. Even the 100 ASA film. Eventhough the machine label say it is film safe, the reality is it cause damages @ 20% of the film EACH TIME you pass it through the machine.

Have you ever wonder why your film from a travel trip were under exposed and the colour seems dull? Now you know where the damage come from.

I sell photos, and I cannot afford to throw away 20 - 30 rows of films due to x-ray damages. I use lead lining bags, and I hand carry and insist on hand check. Try get a press/reporter pass from some web site. I show the pass to the airport security and insist that my job depends on the quality of my film. Most of the time I can get a hand check instead of x-ray machine.

Good Luck.

And you know this how???

You read it in Popular Photograpy. Once?

Cite some real references or experiences, or admit that you're talking out your ass.
I worked at a couple of airports and the radation is adjustable so you never know at what level it is at.
I always insist they do a hand check, after paying out thousands of $ for a trip I will be dammed if I will take a chance of comeing back with no photos. After all they have a guy doing hand search so give him something to do
cdiver2 once bubbled...
I worked at a couple of airports and the radation is adjustable so you never know at what level it is at.
I always insist they do a hand check, after paying out thousands of $ for a trip I will be dammed if I will take a chance of comeing back with no photos. After all they have a guy doing hand search so give him something to do

Rules in the US aren't always rules everywhere else (although I've gotten the most crap from US screeners that are supposed to obey FAA rules). You can't always insist on getting your way. There are ways to help you get hand inspection, but the bottom line is that if an inspector isn't going to let you through without x-raying your film, you aren't getting on that plane without getting your film x-rayed. Deal with it. Like I mentioned earlier, a run or two through the x-ray machine isn't likely to cause any problems. This is my experience, as well as the consensus of the UW photograpy mail list. Those of you that seem to think your precious images can't stand a run through the carry-on x-ray probably aren't taking good enough photos to win any contests anyway :).
agstreet once bubbled...
...<snip>....Cite some real references or experiences, or admit that you're talking out your ass.

Comments like this aren't necessary and won't be tolerated. You can question his sources without getting a nasty attitude and getting personal.

agstreet once bubbled...
....<snip>....This is my experience, as well as the consensus of the UW photograpy mail list. Those of you that seem to think your precious images can't stand a run through the carry-on x-ray probably aren't taking good enough photos to win any contests anyway :).

Seems someone could question your sources as well.

No one, amatour or pro, wants to have their photos ruined. I'm sure the question was asked with this in mind.

I'm quite sure your opinion of everyone's photos will go along way, considering the helpful way it was offered. :)

If you can't comment or enter the discussions here without being nasty, please find somewhere else to offer your opinions.
Dee once bubbled...

Comments like this aren't necessary and won't be tolerated. You can question his sources without getting a nasty attitude and getting personal.

Seems someone could question your sources as well.

No one, amatour or pro, wants to have their photos ruined. I'm sure the question was asked with this in mind.

I'm quite sure your opinion of everyone's photos will go along way, considering the helpful way it was offered. :)

If you can't comment or enter the discussions here without being nasty, please find somewhere else to offer your opinions.

Well Said, I rest my case. :)

Here's all the references you need. A simple STFW resulted in this post Here he details all the info, background and cites you ever could want.

General guideline is never let the airport monkey x-ray your stuff.

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