Fiji - first time visit for 7 days in May 2016

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500 - 999
I am going with a non-diver friend in May 2016 for a week. I am a huge UW photographer and want to do the shark dive and some soft coral dives. As our time is limited and also need to consider my non-diving friend, I was thinking of staying at Beqa Lagoon Resort for 4 nights and then the last 2 somewhere else on the main island. Does anyone have any advice if Beqa Lagoon Resort would have enough non-diver activities? Is 4 nights enough there or should we stay the full 6 nights? Any advice on interesting area to stay on main island for last 2 nights. Both of us are fit and like outdoor stuff. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am the GM of Beqa Lagoon Resort :) - aside of snorkeling, paddle boards, ocean kayaking and hiking we are offering every afternoon a variety of activities, like Beqa Fire Walkers, Waterfall Hikes, Village Tours, .... etc. We are hosting a lot of non divers and have no complaints :) As photographer you'll like our soft coral gardens and of course our shark dive at Cathedral - don't forget your fisheye :)
Hi Dieter, thanks for your reply. I have pretty much dove all over the world at world class destinations and dove with big sharks in Guadalupe Mexico, Tiger Beach and Raja Ampat for corals. I am torn whether to stay the full time in Beqa Lagoon or to skip it all together and go to Taveuni. Its a bit tricky with the short amount of time I have to do both. Can you tell me more about the shark dive at Cathedral? How regularly do you see the Tiger sharks there. To me they are my favorite shark to photograph. I couldn't tell from your website if this is your own dive site or if the other operators also go there. Secondly, for coral dives around Beqa, how do they compare to Taveuni. I know you may be a bit biased but any help you can provide would be helpful.
Bula FlipperHead :)
I haven't been to Taveuni, this is why I can't tell you much about diving there - I hear that island and diving are great. However, you are planning on coming May 2016, in 2 months time. Taveuni took a bad hit from typhoon Winston - I have learned yesterday that Paradise Taveuni is closed until further notice - it seems that as well other resorts were badly damaged ..... - we have tried to contact Garden Island Resort in Taveuni and can't reach them since the storm ...
To Cathedral - the dive site is exclusively ours, it took us over a year to develop it to today's dive site - we had since July 2015 at least 2 tigers/dive - our record was 8 tigers - I have done a dive there with our guests in November - klick here to watch the video.
Since El Nino had visited us a couple of weeks back, tigers were only every second or third dive present - the water was very warm and we think the tigers did not like it - water has gotten a bit cooler and winter is soon to come - my educated guess, again tigers on each dive :)
Aside of tigers we have about 20 bull sharks, lots of reef sharks, lemon sharks and nurse sharks - occasionally a silver tip is paying a visit.
It's a bit challenging for photographers to get the perfect shot as there is lots and lots of fish at the side - being most of the time between motive and strobes, they produce all kinds of shadows on the sharks :)
On the other hand they are everything else but shy and make great motives themselves - check our FB account for recent photos by Damien Mauric.
Coral wise - we have amazing coral gardens where we do all the dive if weather permits - these coral gardens are around Yanuca Island, 20 min. boat ride from our resort.
We have one wreck you'd love - its over and over full with soft corals - if you shoot with model, the perfect spot (if you need a model we'd be able to give you one of our DMs).
You'll find most recent pics on our fb account - check it out - you'll like it :)
And the best thing - we do so much more but diving - we have a great SPA and just the right amount of activities for a relaxing vacation :)
Hi Dieter, Thank you for all the information, it is really helpful. I sent you a message on Facebook and have been messaging Debra in reservations. Looking forward to staying in May!
Hi Flipperhead

I think you make the right choice to stay in Beqa for the 6 days as to travel to Taveuni for just 2 days would not be worthwhile. The Beqa shark dives are superb- exhilarating would be the best descriptive word!
Whilst some of the resorts in Taveuni, as Dieter mentions, are damaged and closed, Taveuni Dive Resort is however fully operational and they have posted some very lovely photos on facebook of their recent dives - healthy reefs still.
I've stayed at Volivoli Beach Resort on the northern tip of Viti Levu. They were right in the path of the cyclone and are currently busy rebuilding after some heavy damage to the resort villas and are closed until mid-April but the team have been out diving and report very little damage to the reefs - so great news there too.

If you've not booked flights already Fiji Airways have a new route opening at the beginning of April direct to Nadi from Singapore with offers as low as US$600 rtn :) They are exhibiting at the ADEX show next month

Hope you have an amazing time in Fiji!

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