FFM how to be a good buddy????

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New Jersey
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If diving with a FFM what is done with the octo and hoses to be safe and be a good buddy?

I dive quite frequently with an AGA (FFM). I found that because Im diving with it, it would be difficult for my buddy to do the same with their standard regulator setup. I have an alternate airsource on my inflator hose of the BC. When I dive with new buddies, I tell them to take my mask not my airsource. I explain to them before we dive how to use an AGA and how to clear it once they have it on.

Let me explain my setup.

AGA (primary reg), airsource(inflator hose), dry suit hose and console. Only three hoses coming off my AGA regulator.

In your case, I would carry a dive mask in case you FFM malfunctions and you have to ditch it to go to your octo. But if your friend needs you, you allow them to use your octo.

I suppose it really depends on the FFM you are using. Again, Im using an Ocean Technology System AGA with buddy phone.

If you are still confused...PM me. Thanks.
First off are we talking a sport dive with an AGA or is this PSD?

chuck's advice of carrying a backup half mask in case your AGA fails is a good idea BUT if you have the AGA as your primary and a standard octo length hose and reg as a secondary (one single tank system) you'd need to be breathing from your buddy's octo, not your own.
If you have a true redundant system or your alternate air source is coming from a different tank and 1st stage then your AGA, then you can breathe your own octo in the event of AGA failure.
2 very different systems here so lets be clear.

I have to disagree about donating an AGA to an OOA diver with either system. The octo is designed for this and is quick and easy to deploy as well as the donor will be able to maintain complete control of the situation without removing his own air source. The task load required to put on an AGA properly and clear it well under the stress of an OOA situation is just too much - especially for someone untrained in its use.
If that's not enough the AGA hose is way too short to pass it off anyway.

chuck, I may not understand your system correctly. Is the "airsource" a seperate redundant system (or a pony)? If so wouldn't it be alot better to donate a standard octo set up then your AGA?

I dive quite frequently with an AGA (FFM). I found that because Im diving with it, it would be difficult for my buddy to do the same with their standard regulator setup. I have an alternate airsource on my inflator hose of the BC. When I dive with new buddies, I tell them to take my mask not my airsource. I explain to them before we dive how to use an AGA and how to clear it once they have it on.

Let me explain my setup.

AGA (primary reg), airsource(inflator hose), dry suit hose and console. Only three hoses coming off my AGA regulator.

In your case, I would carry a dive mask in case you FFM malfunctions and you have to ditch it to go to your octo. But if your friend needs you, you allow them to use your octo.

I suppose it really depends on the FFM you are using. Again, Im using an Ocean Technology System AGA with buddy phone.

If you are still confused...PM me. Thanks.

Chuck, I like your choice of gear, but, are you saying that you donate your AGA in a buddy's our of air situation? Certainly, I hope I misunderstand your statement. I would never recommend the use of an Airsource, Octoplus or AirII as your secondary. It's designed for you to donate your primary and for you to go to it. Not optimal in an air sharing situation with any full face mask. If your buddy needs assistance, you're not going to be much good if you've now ditched your mask and regulator at the same time. That and that your buddy may or may not know what to do with a mask once it's off your face, how are you going to help them now? I prefer a long hose octo for donation. Number one, I can control the situation with a longer hose. If I need to keep a panicking diver at arms length while I assist them, then I can. There's enough task loading already without adding to it. One diver in the water with issues is plenty. Your octo is in your triangle, you know where it is, they should know where it is. Either you hand the diver in an OOA situation your alternate or they take it, insert it and breath, first problem solved. I don't think I want to go into the difficulties of donating a full face mask, on that of the donor and the donatee.

Diving with a full face mask isn't much different than that of other equipment, you just never donate your primary. Monitor your gas, don't run out of air and have an octo for those that might. I ran out of air once, in 1979, lesson learned, haven't since. Still, you should plan for it just in case of a malfunction or whatever. For self sufficiency, a pony with a second stage and a spare mask is the best route to go. Additionally, an intermediate line to a manifold/gas block is good for yourself as a redundant air supply. The additional second stage is good for full bailout of an FFM if necessary and for your buddy. With this set-up you would forgo the alternate air source on the primary first stage. Buddies are good, but, you are your best buddy, especially when you are your only buddy. That's a different thread though. For public safety diving, your buddy is the safety diver at the ready to assist when you need. Most of this discussion is for FFM diving in general. Sometimes I think we forget what discussion group we're in here.
MNT. How'd you type all that so fast??

Well said.


You got your's in before me. I was still typing when you answered. :D

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