Almost 3 yrs. ago I was heavily teaching and competing in professional latin dancing (Salsa). My partner and I entered a competition at one of the local clubs, for a price of $10,000.00. We knew most of the other dancers, and were confident it would be easy to cinch a win, as our routine was quite fast and complicated. All was working out better than we'd hoped until this part where I would lead her into an underarm turn, followed by a set of 5 spins, into a move we call the "neck drop," which called for me to open break to the right, step forward, turn, and catch her with my right hand by the neck as she dipped to the floor.
I guess it was because I was a bit nervous, or maybe the A/C in the club was not working properly, or perhaps we had warmed up a bit too much, but I was sweating quite profusely and my left pant leg had stucked to my skin like glue. Well, when I bent forward to extend my right hand and catch her by the neck, my pants split from belt to belt. Needless to say, I never wore white underwear under a set of black pants again!!! And yes, we didn't win the 10K
I guess it was because I was a bit nervous, or maybe the A/C in the club was not working properly, or perhaps we had warmed up a bit too much, but I was sweating quite profusely and my left pant leg had stucked to my skin like glue. Well, when I bent forward to extend my right hand and catch her by the neck, my pants split from belt to belt. Needless to say, I never wore white underwear under a set of black pants again!!! And yes, we didn't win the 10K