Female Technical Divers

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Scuba Instructor
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Koh Tao, Thailand
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Hello Ladies !

Im a tech instructor (female) and I do notice that I seem to be in the minority on any tec dives so it was very exciting for me to teach a female student.

The course was great fun and certainly provoked some interesting looks - all this equipment on girls. It did however inspire me to write something about the course with ladies in mind.....

Maybe you are considering furthering your dive education but have concerns about all the equipment etc....I did too before starting my training.....so I have written a review of our course. It may answer some questions for you if you were curious...

Have a look...

Very cool writeup!

I'd love to see more female divers take an interest in technical diving. Sure, the gear is heavy and a bit cumbersome, and the training can get a bit intense at times, but it's totally worth it!
I am just beginning on my journey. I started my Adv. Nitrox & Deco Procedures course almost 2yrs ago. At that time, I was no where near ready to make the OW dives. I spent over a year getting used to & practicing in my doubles. I finally finished that course late last Oct. In Jan./ Feb I began my cave course. I got through my Intro to cave, but was unable to complete my Full Cave because of a few skills issues that needed to be worked on. I am only a couple of sessions away from completing it. If al works welll, I will hopefully finish up in late May. I would someday also like to get to trimix, but for now, my plate is full enough. I basically want to see how far I can take this new passion.
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Nice writeup!

When I first started diving doubles, I had a local female tech diver tell me that, one day, I would come to prefer them. To my surprise, she was right. They are VERY nice to dive . . . Just not so nice to haul around in the dry world. But you learn efficiency and techniques to manage the weight (and a little gym time isn't a bad thing, either).

I've been cave diving for two years, and I'm doing my first open water tech class in May. We don't have a lot of female tech divers in Seattle, but we definitely have some!
Thanks SO much for your post.

I am 19 years old and am looking to take a commercial dive course in Campbell River, British Columbia. (DiveSafe International to be exact) I am trying to get my foot in the door with people in the industry getting their opinions and tips for me. I made a thread and am looking for someone exactly like you to answer it.
Hey Ayasha,
Nice web page.
You might remember me as one of the Canadian rebreather divers when we dove those very old wrecks last May.

Hello Ladies !

Im a tech instructor (female) and I do notice that I seem to be in the minority on any tec dives so it was very exciting for me to teach a female student.

The course was great fun and certainly provoked some interesting looks - all this equipment on girls. It did however inspire me to write something about the course with ladies in mind.....

Maybe you are considering furthering your dive education but have concerns about all the equipment etc....I did too before starting my training.....so I have written a review of our course. It may answer some questions for you if you were curious...

Have a look...

Female Technical Divers ThailandTechnicalDiving
Thanks for your post, I got my first set of doubles in Jan. Right now I cannot dive due to a surgery but I hope to continue to dive them. When I trialed doubles I really liked how balanced they felt on my back and did not rock as my Steel HP 130 did a little on my back plate (do a lot of cold water diving). I took the GUE fundi's rec course and hope to start practicing all my skills with a doubles set up when I am back to diving again. Once I feel like I mastered my valve drills and really feel comfortable, I will consider a tech or cave class.
The article is very encouraging to me! Thanks for sharing!

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