Female tech divers

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Missed and loved by many.
Rest in Peace
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Woodinville, WA
I lifted this from Lesley Jacques' website;

Ten Ways to tell you are a Woman Tech Diver!:

1. A man can always impress you with the size of his Haskell.

2. You have to wear double booties so that you can fit the XL Jetfins!

3. When your kids check the refrigerator all they can find is an Oxygen Sensor.

4. You have to braid you hair and clip it off so it doesn't wind around the isolator.

5 You always check a guy's fins to see if they have home made spring straps.

6. You are the only one on the whole boat wearing diapers!

7. You find yourself considering a mastectomy to reduce drag.

8. You have to learn to pull and glide with acrylic nails.

9. Your idea of a hot date is a guy with more dive gear than you already have, serious relationships require a fill station and matching his & hers scooters.

10. When you put on your gear you double your body weight.

I thought it was too funny, although I've never worn acrylic nails, and I solved #4 by cutting all my hair OFF.
I never realized before that I qualified in some circles as a hot date? My fiancee is not a diver however, and therefore all my gear is only "cluttering up the garage."

If she takes well to freediving, then I will get her a "matching" X-scooter.

The ancient Amazons of southern Russia, as described by Herodotus, mastectomied their right breasts, so that they could shoot a bow and arrow without interference, so this idea has been around for 3000 years. That is where the word A-Mazon comes from; it is ancient Greek for "without a breast."
5. You always check a guy's fins to see if they have home made spring straps.

And what's so wrong with that??
To bad there aren't more female tech divers cause I could see myself picking up a matching pair of X-sccoters and I needed an excuse to buy a fill station. ;-) Any girls interested... I do come with lots of credit card debt already and I still live at home but scooters could be arranged. ;-)
Nothing wrong with it, Rick -- It shows the guy's the kind who may be able to service my regs :)
omg my wife wears double boots to wear XL jets
9. Your idea of a hot date is a guy with more dive gear than you already have, serious relationships require a fill station and matching his & hers scooters..

Ohhh a guy with more dive gear than ME?? :blinking:
I do need a scooter though. :shakehead:
3. When your kids check the refrigerator all they can find is an Oxygen Sensor.

Is this where they should be stored? (Sorry for the off-topic serious question. . .)

I understand they last longer there.

If I were ever to lose Peter, my next man has to have either a boat or a compressor, or both. A condo in Tulum would be good, too :)
You are the only one on the whole boat wearing diapers!

got a good laugh on that one.

Problem is we around here only do a few dives a year in a drysuit. I have diapers in a box that are pretty much 3-5 years old, Hope they don't expire. LOL


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