Feb. 18, 2018 Snorkeling Hanauma Bay (Oahu) video

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Looks just as crappy as what I saw several years ago. The bay is beautiful, but unless you get outside of the inner, very shallow reef, there is not much coral life, and I did not think the marine life was worth the drive over there. I enjoyed Shark's Cove, near Waimea Bay, much more, but that too is probably suffering from too many snorkelers crawling all over the reef. When I read reviews of Hanama Bay being a great snorkeling destination, I realize how few people actually know what a great snorkeling site should look like.
Another place that looks better from above. I snorkeled there in 92, and even then remember it being just ok. Kept going out further looking for better. Well protected, shallow, accessible, famous, and kind of cool being in a crater - got loved to death.

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