Favorite place to dive in Central America and South America

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Hey guys,

I've never dived in the area but I was just wondering what would you consider as the best place to dive in the region. Pure diving. I mean we all love to party and drink on occasion especially after a day's worth of diving, but when nothing but the dive is taken into consideration, what place would you guys vote?

Things to consider probably:
1. Life
2. Variety
3. Affordability of the dive (after all, if it's over-priced and the dive isn't up to expectation, it is quite a pity :wink: )
Roatan. Great diversity in the marine life, layed back topside. Be there in 16 days for the second time.

Dave (aka "Squirt")
I would say belize but its the only place in central america I have been too and will more than likely be going back soon. Would love to check out other destinations but I had way too much fun diving in belize.
but when nothing but the dive is taken into consideration, what place would you guys vote?


1) CoCoView, Roatan
2) Nekton (liveaboard), Belize
3) SCUBA Iguana, Puerto Ayora, Galapagos

"the region" if you mean the one defined in this discussion group... it's a big place.
Two of my favorite all time dive trips have been those on the PeterHughes liveaboard in the Galapagos. Roatan was always on my to do again list and will be returning there end of May.
Glover's Atoll, Belize was amazing; even just snorkeling from shore we saw huge eagle rays, nurse and sand sharks, eels, barracudas, and an amazing assortment of corals, sponges, and colorful fish. With diving we added more variety of everything, plus turtles and dolphins. Nothing to compare it too, though, since it's the only place I've been diving. Can't wait to check out Utila and Roatán this summer.
Glover's Atoll, Belize was amazing; even just snorkeling from shore we saw huge eagle rays, nurse and sand sharks, eels, barracudas, and an amazing assortment of corals, sponges, and colorful fish. With diving we added more variety of everything, plus turtles and dolphins. Nothing to compare it too, though, since it's the only place I've been diving. Can't wait to check out Utila and Roatán this summer.

Hopefulist, that sounds really good. Where did you stay and how did you get there?
We stayed at http://www.glovers.com.bz , Glover's Atoll Resort. It's the budget traveler's access to Glover's Atoll - $100-$250 per person per week for the 40 mile boat trip out and back and accommodations ranging from camping to beach and over-the-water cabañas. You can buy meals or cook for yourself, facilities provided. Definitely NOT a "resort" - no running water, no electricity, pretty much like camping even with a cabaña, so not for everyone (but heaven for us!); I got my Open Water Certification there. In addition to Isla Marisol mentioned above and Glover's Atoll Resort you could also check out the Manta Resort: http://world.altavista.com/tr (all on separate islands). Happy trails!
Roatan and Utila are both nice. Belize is nice as well. Costa Rica was probably the best diving I have ever done if you don't mind not having clear water. As far as price, you can stay anywhere cheap if you are willing.

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