I was one of the divers on the boat yesterday (The EMT) that did CPR on her on the way back to Miami Beach Marina. This really should not of happened yesterday and we did what we could but she was down for at least half an hour. As far as her mask on her head, I was the diver that motioned her to put her mask back on her face but she did not comprehend until she got to the line behind the boat. I think the dive masters should of been checking everyone's cards especially if there was suspicion beforehand that a coupe other guys noticed on the boat that i later found out. To be honest I didn't think much about the mask incident until I knew what was happening.
This is what I believe happened related to the fatality: About 10-15 minutes into her dive, her regulator must of gotten lodged away from her at some point or something dramatic caused her to panic and intend to bolt for the surface. We found the tank with 2400 psi left and the air still on when we began searching for the missing diver. When she was unable to retrieve her 2nd stage by using technique, she panicked in an attempt to get to the surface. She consciously removed her BC straps with the tank attached and possibly her fins as well in the attempt to reach the surface. Oblivious because of panick however the weight belt was still on her waist that made her sink. She was wearing about 12-14 lbs based on her previous buyoancy and wetsuit mm suit when I used the shears onboard the first aid kit to get access to her chest area for CPR monitoring. Due to fatigue she drowned and remained in between the patch at the North end of Emerald Reef and the the beginning of Rainbow Reef. No signs of trauma or foul play on initial assessment. Upon compressions we found that the victim had distension and edema (Fluid) in the lungs and stomach and that she had taken on water for some time during the incident. Based on the GAP of the victim, she was without oxygen for a minimum of 50 minutes to one hour based on dive time, and search response before the body was discovered.
Also if you guys have any other questions you need me to clarify since I was on the boat yesterday and performed CPR for her en route to the marina I will be glad to clear things up seeing as how nobody else from the boat is here on SB.com. I will edit this post as needed when I get more information or questions.