Yeah, obviously Guadalupe would be the way to go but that trip is 5 days and costs $2500 dollars; something I just can't spend the time and money on. I'm already booked for October. I was informed, however, that sharks are not guaranteed, and nothing was mentioned about a free ride when space permits. They do have something like an 85% success rate. Visibility shouldn't be a problem since the GWs use their sensory system rather that their sight to detect most prey (in this case a decoy at the surface). I'm crossing all my fingers and hoping for some lenghty time in the water with the Landlords. Are they not allowed to bait or chum inside the sanctuary?? I guess what I'm really looking for is someone that made the trip and was flat out disappointed. Thanks for the input fellas and wish me luck.
P.S. I just might accidentally cut myself......