...The regulator was made by SCUBAPRO, and consisted of a Mk V first stage updated to include a Mk 10 cap, and an adjustable second stage of the same manufacturer. The second stage was without its exhaust tee; the 1st stage yolk retainer was loose. The second stage adjustment was tightened all the way down. Interstage pressure (tested after removing the low pressure inflator hose) was approximately 135 psi, which is at company specifications. Upon initial placement of the regulator on the test tank, there was a significant first stage air leak at the yolk retaining assembly. The "Technical Manual for Scubapro Regulators states probable cause as "a. One of the two pneumatic yolk piston O-rings is damaged. b. Damaged yoke retainer O-ring." and goes on to say that the suggested remedy is to "Return regulator to dealer for repair." I inspected this O-ring, and it was dry (unlubricated)...
3. Possible regulator malfunction--Second Stage: The regulator was missing the exhaust tee, which could have allowed water seepage into the second stage housing. THis is especially possible due to the high suction pressure needed to open the demand valve (see below). This would have made it a "wet" breathig regulator, and if it occurred over the whole dive, could have allowed enough sea water to enter the lungs in the form of a fine mist to impede oxygen transport from the lungs to the bloodstream. (See Skin Diver Mapazine, May 1987, "I learned about diving from this" for an account of this type of an accident).
4. Regulator malfunction--Second Stage: Breathing resistance was very high. The regulator was leaking air prior to the dive, and then the adjusting nut was screwed down by Mr. XXXXX to stop the leak. It was screwed all the way down. The following measurements were taken using a home-made open tube manometer:
Exhalation Resistance:
.....Cracking: 2 centimeters H2O
.....Full Exhalation (peak): 8 centimeters (3 inches) H2O
Inhalation Resistance:
.....Cracking: 10-12 centimeters (4-5 inches) H2)
.....Peak Inhalation: 26-28 centimeters (10-11 inches) H2O
This can be compared to the SCUBAPO chart for specifications on this first stage, which shows in Figure 7 a 1-4 inches of water breathing resistance for a well-tuned regulator of this brand. This would have cause quite a fatigue factor throughout the dive.