Faber Tank Sale 95's and 85's

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Arizona, SoCal, World
# of dives
5000 - ∞
I made a killer purchase on Faber cylinders and wanted to pass that through to you.

Faber Steel 85's with Boot and Thermo Pro Nitrox Valve -- Regular price = $326.95

SALE PRICE = $ 225.00

Faber Steel 95's with Boot and Thermo Pro Nitrox Valve -- Regular price = $ 346.95

SALE PRICE = $ 242.87

This is a LIMITED OFFER to current stock. When its gone it's gone.

To order you need to use our website at http://www.techdivinglimited.com

Then click on specials. Order up there.

Erase this post, quickly...........

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