Exuma -Bahamas - Air and Weights

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Hi folks, I am still fairly new to this posting thing (hope this is the correct forum) , although my wife and I have been diving since the late 1980's. We are meeting friends at the end of January in Nassau and hopping aboard their 42' catamaran and cruising into the Exuma's. My wife and I are bringing our dive gear (excluding weights and tanks, we live in Alberta, Canada) as we do every year to our warm weather dive destination.

Our question to you kind folks is do you know where we would be able to rent just tanks and weights in the Exuma's (Georgetown perhaps)? Can we get them filled in other locations? We want to take the tanks and weights with us on the cat to where ever we may adventure in the islands. Are we going to have to succumb to dive operators (not that that is a bad thing) and go on their charter boats? We would really prefer to go when and where we want from the cat we are staying on, I believe most of you can appreciate that.

Yes there are certain locations that tides can have an effect on your dive experience and should be only done with a guide and we will avoid those locations. Caution will be used when required for those of you that may be worried about that. We have dove on our own off Vancouver Island where tides play a huge factor in your dive as well as cold water, boats, tugs, log booms etc...We are fairly experienced divers, my wife is rescue certified and I am assistant instructor certified.
Any and all information you may have and your past experiences will be of value.

Thanks for your responses.
There is a dive operator in Staniel Cay who should be able to fill tanks for you. I believe there is a dive operator in Georgetown also. Finding dive sites might be your problem. There aren't many reefs in the Southern 2/3 of the Exumas. You might have to use a local operator to find the sites.
You probably aren't going to be able to rent tanks. Most of the dive operations I know of don't rent tanks, but do fill them.

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