In the world of risk I wonder which group experiences more negative consequences - the LDS worker who must deal with a DIY'r or customers who must deal with shoddy LDS service/repairs.
Good question, If I was to hazard a guess I would have to go with the group with the least available resources or knowledge. I doubt the percentages of events would actually differ, however, would suspect the volume to be heavy on one side.
I can always, inspect any cylinder that comes in the door before I fill it. (I don't have to charge for a VIP, If I have a red flag I am going to look) I have the resources. We offer free pool time to any customer that has work done to equipment so they may test the repair services. 99% of the time they won't. I expect issues with equipment coming in the door, customers expect perfection coming out. I am not shocked when I run across issues, and they are when it occurs. (Yes, my staff and I are not perfect but we are close

Now as to the blowing up vs drowning, I prefer the risk of drowning over the risk of being blown up. Every time a cylinder lets go I always jump and found it to be unexpected regardless of the procedures and tests before hand. Since I test, have procedures and checks in place before diving, I won't be drowning over an equipment failure.