Some of these poodle jacketers or hog loopers that have been at it for just a few years and supposedly racked up hundreds or a few thousand dives and suddenly know it all, I wouldn't be so sure. Read between the lines.
Well, yeah, there are plenty of "experienced" divers of all sorts on scubieboard and quite a few who, uh, exaggerate. I often exaggerate for effect because I am a teller of tall tales. Like when my scooter exploded in the Y pool, I mean it was not really a mushroom cloud, or when I was banned from Florida, twice:cool2:, I mean, I am not sure Flariduh is keeping an actual record or like that But, between pestering you guys, I actually can and do and have. sorta.
But, I will hire a guide in a new to me place if I cannot find a free local, did it not long ago, I will ask questions and look stupid asking dumb questions because part of being experienced is knowing that we have limits. My wife points it out to me all the time.
Of course, then, standing there on the beach, the reef was two miles out there, I was alone. I brag about no BC. I said, nah, maybe tomorrow, I chickened out. Then I tossed and turned all night dreaming, fake, fake, fake. I got up early, marched to the water's edge and started swimming. I don't need no stink'n BC, I am Nemrod I will die with my Jets on at least. Safety is way over rated.