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Jeff Toorish

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
North of Boston, South of Canada!
Hi all,

I know many of us appropriately post when we have a problem with a scuba-related business or service. I wanted to post a little something about a company I just dealt with that really went above and beyond, in my opinion.

Normally, I use my LDS when I need something and only go online when it's an item my local dive shop doesn't carry. That happened last week, and through an Internet search I found Deep Blue Scuba in Wisconsin (online at http://www.deepbluestore.com ).

I had to phone them to ask a few questions. I left a message and a few minutes later, someone called back with top notch information. I don't know about you, but these days I get the feeling the person on the other end of the line advising me is reading from a prepared script and has no real knowledge. That was not the case here, it was real information, advice and a commitment to ensuring I was satisfied.

I ordered the product, which had to be configured for me. Deep Blue Scuba stayed in touch and one of the managers even drove it to the post office to overnight it because the last UPS pickup had already passed.

I was honestly impressed.

Incidentally, I have no affiliation with this store; never even heard of them before.

Just wanted to give a Kudos where it's due!

pretty nice site too.

I usually am really pleased with midwest businesses. I use a Halcyon dealer up there and felt the same way.
Right up the road from me...Great store also.
"My first-born's 17 today!"
No way. How can a 22 year old have a 17 yeard old..LOL

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