Evergreen Diving Resort Palawan - warning

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People looking for a dive resort may run accross Evergreen Diving Resort on Popototan Island in Palawan, Philippines.

Evergreen Diving Resort Palawan Philippines - Best discount hotel rates
Evergreen Diving Philippins

The photos on the websites are quite inviting and we knew people who had stayed there 5 years ago so we contacted the owner/operator directly and made arrangements to stay 7 nights.

On arrival we discovered a few run down cabins and a bunch of unhappy customers. Our bathroom had a centimeter of water standing on the floor. Water leaked continuously from the toilet in spite of almost no water pressure in the sink and shower. The bamboo floors had dangerous holes and weak spots. Other guests reported similar conditions. At least one guest was injured seriously when she her foot fell through the flooring.

The resort dive boat had broken down and small general purpose boat was pressed into service in its place. It was operated by men in their teens who had no scuba related experience.

No proper pier existed for loading the boat. Instead, a rickety rope ferry was used to get people and supplies out to the boats during low tide. On at least one occasion guest luggage was dumped into the water.

The entire staff had been recently replaced and were untrained and confused about their responsibilities. Workers lacked confidence and seemed to be operating in a state of fear.

When we arrived, a large group of German customers had been suffering for a while under bad conditions. They were disgusted and furious because most had paid a lot to a travel agency, expecting a good dive resort.

On the up side, the new chef prepared excellent meals for the kitchen and for the dive trips.

The owner/operator was also the divemaster on all dives. He succeeded in taking the fun out of diving at every opportunity. Above and below water his manners were rude. Apparently to distract us from the uncomfortable conditions he tried to constantly entertain the guests with stories from his past. We wanted to interact with him as little as possible.

Dive equipment available for rental was very old and in bad repair. Divers that did not bring their own equipment quickly decided that snorkelling from the beach was more fun than diving.

In every case customers left angry and disappointed. We made other arrangements and left after 3 nights. Unfortunately, the anger and fear stayed with us for the rest of our vacation.

In my opinion, I would not book diving at Evergreen unless you have specific knowledge that things have improved there.
I Can only confirm the post above: We cancelled our stay at the Resort after just two days, as the Resort is very run down. The bamboofloors of the rooms are rotten, so that I broke through with one leg and I was lucky not to hurt myself. The Tab water is rusty-brown and the pressure of the shower is so low, that’s it’s nearly impossible to shower. Other Guests had their bathroom constantly under Water, as the pipes were leaking.

On the Web-Site of the Evergreen it says, that the Dive-Shop has eight complete Dive-Equipments. That is not true! You wants to dive here, should definitely bring his own Equipment. The Dive-School was insufficiently equipped. The Regulators didn’t have rubber Caps and were nevertheless tossed in the Water by the Philippino Helper, so that Water had to enter and cause corrosion. The Bolts end screws of the Regs were rusty, finimeters were leaking air, Octopusses were hard to breath. To be fair: There were two quite new BCDs, but not in our Sizes. If you confront the German Owner with his old Equipment, you hear a lot of excuses such as: It’s not possible to get Spareparts in Coron… Strangely all the Diveshops in Coron are very well equipped.

Nevertheless the prices are comparably high: You pay 20 € per Dive + Petrolcharge for the Diveboat (depending on the Divesite upto 5 &#8364:wink: + 5 € rentalfee for the Diveequipment. In Total: Up to 30 € per Dive. In Coron you three(!) Dives for just 50 €. Also his roomrates are completely overprized: 34 and 39 € per Person – all inclusive - by the standards described above far too much.

Summary: I totaly agree, that the German Owner and Dive-Maste is a very annoying person, that doesn't do his Job well, as he let's the whole place run down and doesn't invest any energy or Money in renewing the Resort. I would not advise anybody to stay in the Evergreen. Who wants to dive in Coron Bay should stick to the Diveshops in Coron-City, the are very professionell and well equipped. The only positive thing about the Evergreen is the House-Reef, that is very pretty and intact.
We also had this experience. It was really a nightmare.
The floor was in a bad condition and some guest broke through.
When the guests complaint the owner told them "no problem you tell as where you brake through than we will fix it there" but after they fixed something 1 or 2 meters away from that the guest had the same problem due to the bad conditions.

We had our own equipment (we are really lucky....) sometimes we gave our equipment to other guest because the equipment of the resort was in very bad condition (I mean unsave).

A lot of the guests were complaining about the conditions, what makes me really wondering is that there are not complain in the "Tauchernet". But I thing that will be only a question till the guest from germany are back home.

There where also some strange discussions the owner had with guest that diceded to leave, he tried to thread them....

I thing that this diving resort is really dangerous an nobody can recommend this diving resort.

Best regards

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