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Chicago, IL
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25 - 49
I am in the very early stages of planning a trip to Europe. I want to stay along the med and do some diving! I have considered Spain, France, Italy, and Greece. I have been leaning towards Spain--I would love to stay in Mallorca and then also see Madrid and Barcelona.

My questions are: 1. What is the water temp like in the med and what kind of exposure suit do most divers wear?

2. What would you say are the best dive sites? I'm a big fan of sealife while the boyfriend loves wrecks. I was thinking we could do a bit of both. We both have our AOW and nitrox.

3. Any other advice or recommendations about diving in Europe.

For info on Mallorca, contact [user]milkathecow[/user].

Malta has lots of wrecks, no certain about the sealife.
My questions are: 1. What is the water temp like in the med and what kind of exposure suit do most divers wear?
Well, it depends a lot of the season. When do you plan to travel?
2. What would you say are the best dive sites? I'm a big fan of sealife while the boyfriend loves wrecks. I was thinking we could do a bit of both. We both have our AOW and nitrox.
In France, I would recommend you to go either in Marseilles area or in Port Cros/Porquerolles area. In both places you can fin nice wrecks as well as lot of sea life (Especially in Port Cros marine reserve, you'll find a lot of sea life, from slugs to large groopers).
Malta has lots of wrecks, no certain about the sealife.
While I love Malta, over the water and under, I think the sealife is quite scarce, at least compared to what I'm used in the Mediterranean Sea(Marseilles area/Port Cros area, Cavalaire area, Corsica).
But there are a lot of historical wrecks as well as more recent ones, shallower.
While I love Malta, over the water and under, I think the sealife is quite scarce, at least compared to what I'm used in the Mediterranean Sea(Marseilles area/Port Cros area, Cavalaire area, Corsica).
But there are a lot of historical wrecks as well as more recent ones, shallower.
I spent my august in malta, nice diving, most of them cheap because made by land, lots of nice wrecks and caves/canyon, no fish!
very nice the Port Cros/Cavalaire area in France, wonderful in Spain is Las Medas (usually staying in L'Estartit) north of great Barcelona, but I obviously focus you in Italy: lots of really nice spots (Portofino in Liguria, Sardinia in many parts, Ustica, Giannutri/Giglio/Argentario in Tuscany or also Elba) which meet not only diving for a different holiday :D
I can suggest Malta! it is a great place to hang out and dive too! sorry about the title, I did not want to post it here... Malta is awesome!
The marine life is plentiful in the Med if you dive where there is still some seagrass remaining.

Try KennaEcoDiving based in L'Escala. You can dive the coast and visit the wonderful Medes reserve knowing that you are helping to fund conservation work on this endangered ecosystem.
They're also very cheap!

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