Equipment package - Whaddya thinnk?

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Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
# of dives
100 - 199
Hey all, whatddya think of this package I can get from an LDS:

Genesis GS200 - $297
Genesis Valor Octo - $108
Genesis Phantom BCD - $333
Dacor Supreme Console w/ compass $172


Dacor Fury ADJ - $270
Dacor Fury Octo - $87
Genesis Phantom - $333
Dacor Sumpreme Console w/compass - $172

I just do warm water diving for the most part up to 120 or 130 feet. The store I was looking at carries Cressi, Genesis, Sherwood, and Dacor. I visited another shop and he ONLY sells Scubapro. He said I would have to put a package together from their catalog and then he would set a discount up. Whaddya all think? I'm a college kid on a budget, but have this obsession/addiction now formally known as diving......

Thanks for all advice! If you have any other suggestions let me know!
or this one:

Dacor Viper America
Dacor Octo
Dacor 4 guage console
Oceanus BCD


or Get all the above with a Dacor Rig2 BCD for
leaving the regs and console OUT of the discussion:

either buy a decent 'jacket' style BC (and I care not which make
or model) OR buy a backplate and wing but under NO circumstances should you shell out $$$ for a contraption
like a DaCor "RIG" (of any variation)
I concure with Green

The Dacor may look real cool with all those bells and whistles, but you dont need all that foofoo stuff. Try and locate someone in your area that will lone / rent you a bp and wings to test out. You wont be dissapointed.

Kid, some of this stuff sounds bulky and awkward. The three gauge console is a big item. The RIG is too puffy. I know you're anxious to buy something but maybe you should slow up. Packages may not be the answer because it's hard to find suitable items in one bunch. I assume you will be diving single tanks. I suggest you look at the $210 Zeagle Scout back inflate. Also, the low end, and cheaper, Oceanic regulators are highly rated. You should be able to find an Alpha CDX/diaphragm for about $220. Look for a console which is more compact. Oceanic makes sharp looking gauges and consoles. Wear a separate compass on the wrist when needed. Admittedly, this route is going to take more time and research than walking into a dive shop and tossing them your gold card. Hang in there.

As far as service, you won't be able to find it all in one spot. However, after college, will you even be in the area anymore? I doubt it.

PS: Here's a Genesis 2000 for $270, no package purchase required.
Through sad experience I would say don't buy a rear inflate BC with intergrated weights and a lot of danglies. I just sold my fancy mistake and sent for a Zeagle Scout (rear pockets only) and a weight belt. ($210 was the price. I bought it on-line.) I don't ever plan on any tech diving etc. though. I'm too old and mortal to start at this point. (If I had started diving 15 years ago, I would have been there in a heart beat.) Being young and immortal, you may want to listen to the BP and wings folkes. Uncle Pug is an advocate and I try real hard to listen to what he says. Could save you money later. However, I don't think I would do the BP and Wings purchase without some on-hand help in getting it all put together.

I selected a Genesis Yukon reg because it works, it is highly rated, it costs less than the 2000, all Genesis regs are ready for nitrox, my LDS gave me a good price and most important, my LDS can do the maintenance. It works very well although I am sure you can get better ones for twice the money.

Just some free advice and probably worth every penny.
You can get better regs and a better BC for less money, and you will never "out grow" them. Keep researching.

Good luck.


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