Care to elaborate on the nature of that entanglement? Would love to learn.
Sure. I was 40 feet down and 20 off the bottom in really good viz for Puget Sound, maybe 25 feet horizontally. Saw a buoy anchor chain a few feet away and steered clear of it...or so I thought. They put a loop in the chain so when the tide goes in and out the float stays on the surface. Maybe there was some surface movement but at one point I realized I wasn't moving anymore. I fiqured it was fishing line so I reached around to where I felt the snag must be and felt the chain wrapped around my first stage.
I considered all my options, assessed my gas supply at that depth - fine for about 25 minutes if I kept my breathing under control - and tried to reverse course to no avail. I hung there for a minute then went step by step through what I was going to do and slowly went through the process of slipping out of the scuba unit leaving one arm committted to my air and BC. Everything was nuetral when I spun around and saw the chain. It was an easy fix and back into the unit. The rest of the dive was uneventful and as, for some reason, I was getting a little low on air I was done a little earlier than usual.