Englewood Dive for Teeth?

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Dunedin, Florida
# of dives
25 - 49
Quick question...(well, maybe not that quick)... Has anyone ever tried diving for teeth in Englewood? I've tried searching, and saw a couple posts that touched on it, but didn't really see any clear answers. I've been diving Venice just about every weekend, but before I got into diving, I use to go to Englewood and find a lot small teeth on the beach. I was wondering if anyone has done a beach or yak dive there. If so, could you give me any pointers on locations? Is it about the same as venice...swim out a couple hundred yards in that 18-22ft depth range? Just curious. Thanks!
A few years ago I found some partial megs and complete horse teeth in the trough(between beach and sand bar). south end of manasota key by the park. I found them snorkling, this was before I got certified. I think I kept the teeth separate from my other stuff if i find them I'll try to post pics. good luck
Artistdiver, I live in Port Charlotte & would be interested in doing a yak dive off of Englewood to see what's there.
dkramer, that sounds great. I'd like to do a yak dive to check things out. I'm actually looking to buy a yak in the next couple of weeks, I've been renting. I'll let you know once I get it, and maybe we can set something up. Thanks! Talk to you soon.
I've dived Englewood at the north end of Manasota Key. I found teeth, but not a bunch. It's been several years since I was there.
I live in Englewood and we anchor up and walk the beach in the Stump Pass area a lot. We have found thousands of small teeth but nothing of any size (1-2 inches was huge). I think the difference may be that the limestone beds don't exist off Englewood like they do in Venice or if they do I haven't found them. The way I hear it is that Venice was an ancient river bed and the limestone was dissolved leaving the fossils exposed but I don't know where I got that so take it FWIW. The exposed limestone seems to start showing up about half way up Manasota Key. I keep wanting to stop short and look around there but haven't yet. I have looked just outside the boneyard area and found nothing but sand and shells.

If you could find a spot that hadn't been looked over as much there is no telling what you could find so good luck and let us know how it goes.
dkramer, that sounds great. I'd like to do a yak dive to check things out. I'm actually looking to buy a yak in the next couple of weeks, I've been renting. I'll let you know once I get it, and maybe we can set something up. Thanks! Talk to you soon.

Works for me! Just give a shout. Who knows, we may find nothing but at least then we'll know. :D
If nothing else, it will be fun looking in a place that's not as overworked with the anticpation that something could be there. Thanks to all of you for your feedback! Lets see what happens...
I found the bag of teeth attached some photos. These were found snorkling in the trough not scuba. reallyreally worn. sorry but i didn't find the horse teeth. I do remember they were in better condition. these were from the south end by almost by the park. good luck with the hunt. I do have a question that has nothing to do with the post what is a TRACKBACK.(BELOW THE MESSAGE BOX) THANKS


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