Doc Intrepid:
"Actually, I would hope that no one else reads this and thinks that solo diving in any format is a safe thing to do.
I wouldn't encourage anyone to solo dive period. Certainly not deep without some form of planned redundancy. That said, diver's limits vary - and diver's need to know their own limits. If you don't practice things, then you never know."
The above anti-solo post does not belong in the solo forum and is against the forum rules. There is absolutely no proof of this statment and should be removed from the thread. The disscussion is Emergency Air Source, not the safety of solo.
Divemaste Jim:
"I always dive doubles,"
Always, wow, I almost always don't. To much weight and drag and complication, not needed for most dives.
If you guys are having this much reliability problems with your equipment then perhaps it is time for a change--I just don't have this problem with my gear.
This "safety" thing gets very tiring, life is not safe, it is dirty, messy and in the end no matter what, you check out. I don't rate safety as priority number one when it gets in the way of living. Nattering ninnies.
This is all you really need:
"Actually, I would hope that no one else reads this and thinks that solo diving in any format is a safe thing to do.
I wouldn't encourage anyone to solo dive period. Certainly not deep without some form of planned redundancy. That said, diver's limits vary - and diver's need to know their own limits. If you don't practice things, then you never know."
The above anti-solo post does not belong in the solo forum and is against the forum rules. There is absolutely no proof of this statment and should be removed from the thread. The disscussion is Emergency Air Source, not the safety of solo.
Divemaste Jim:
"I always dive doubles,"
Always, wow, I almost always don't. To much weight and drag and complication, not needed for most dives.
If you guys are having this much reliability problems with your equipment then perhaps it is time for a change--I just don't have this problem with my gear.
This "safety" thing gets very tiring, life is not safe, it is dirty, messy and in the end no matter what, you check out. I don't rate safety as priority number one when it gets in the way of living. Nattering ninnies.
This is all you really need: