email indicating that as "parent or guardian" I should be informed that...

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Reaction score
Los Gatos, CA
# of dives
500 - 999

I am 54 years old today (yay!) am an avid diver and realized that since I rarely come to this site I forgot to check if ya'll were able to correct my original profile where I put my birthyear as 00.

I was born in 58 and since I put 00 initially I get emails every time I access this website which are addressed to "guardian and/or parent of but they are sent to which is hysterically funny/ironic. I don't mind, but it would be great if we could correct my birth year and save me some spam.

Can you please help :)
thanks so much
We'll have to have your parents authorization first.

Nah, just playing, I have no power here.
If you tell the system that you're under 13 years old, you would need a parent's permission. It's called COPPA and it's a US Federal requirement.

You won't see that anymore. But that is why when you register it asks for your birthday :wink:

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