Yes, I used the 14-42 plus 10X combination for nearly all the macro shots after the first few days due to frustration with the 45mm macro lens. I've since upgraded the firmware on my EM5 to V. 1.2 and autofocus with the 45mm is both faster and better, even in low light. I've also set the AF to a single point in the middle of the field so the camera doesn't have to hunt for a focal point - that seems to help as well.
The minimum focus distance with this lens is 6 inches. If you are closer than half a foot to the subject, the lens cannot achieve AF! Practice with your rig in your home until you are comfortable with getting at least six inches before pressing the shutter. This will help a lot.
Phil R has suggested prefocus on a rock at about the distance you want to shoot and then move the camera in towards the subject until the image begins to come into focus before pressing the shutter.
BTW, the EM-5's AF is really fast.
---------- Post Merged at 07:13 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:10 AM ----------
I bought a couple of non OEM battery packs - they have their own charger. The Oly battery doesn't work in the generic charger and vice verse. The generics worked just fine and the generic charger plugs directly into a socket without a long cord.