Elements how to: backscatter

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Can someone give me simple step by step instructions, or guide me to a web page, that will help me eliminate backscatter from a photo?

I have some great pics that need some help--I have not been succesful with the online help or web pages I have found.

Strobe positioning will probably offer the best results. When I took my UW Photography class the instructor had me take 5 or 6 pictures of him, moving the strobe farther from the lens with each exposure. The reduction in backscatter as the distance increased was impressive and dramatic. Similarly if you are using two strobes proper positioning is key.

The PADI UW Photography book might be helpful--it covers this subject pretty well, as I'm sure other books do as well.
I use a clone brush to remove backscatter. If there is too much, I just toss the picture.

Automatic removal should be possible. I don't know of any technique to do this.

I use the stamp tool in PS Elements. If you have Elements, just look in the help file, it will give you step by step directions on how to do it.

Edit.....I found this for you...PS Elements Tutorials

A good retouch pen works wonders on a traditional darkroom print. As does a good artist.

If your refering to digital photoshop is the best investment you can ever make. I use the full blown version but elements is just as good.


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