Effingham IL. dive site??

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lost, even with a compass
Reaction score
West Central Indiana
# of dives
100 - 199
Hey Guys, I was in the LDS yesterday and we got talking about a dive site in Effingham IL. Somebody came in last week and was telling them about it but knew very little about it. Supposedly it is owned by a local police man. Anybody got any info on this?
crpntr133 got it. it took a couple of days for my brother to get back. he says it,s nothing special. he prefers Mermet springs further south of him.
Figured that it wasn't anything special but it is a lot closer for me than Mermet. So if I have got to get wet then this might be an option.

Thanks for the info!
Yep, dove Haigh two years ago just after my OW certs. It was also a nice one and would go back again. Also dove Bonne Terre, it was neat but don't care for the price for what you see.

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