Edit Dive Info & Countdown Timer Pages Not Working

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A Californian living the dream at Yasawa Island, F
# of dives
I'm a Fish!

Just wanted to let you know that the countdown page and the edit dive info page isn't coming up. I'll click on it, and the URL will change, and the Explorer window will state that the page is "done", but the page is blank.

Thank you,
From an announcement by NetDoc...
Recently ScubaBoard moved its servers to bigger and faster servers. Unexpectedly, one of these servers does not work correctly and it has complicated our move immensely!

Consequently, we have had to disable ALL of our add-ons, including our Photo Gallery, Dive Profile, Countdown Timer as well as many, many more. Please be patient as we work to stabilise our system and to get these incredible resources BACK ON LINE for you to enjoy! Thanks for your patience!
She must have a crush on you. :sappy:

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