Here's the reply I made in that thread:
I have used the Pro-Ear mask for over 30 dives now. I keep my hair fairly short and it doesn't interfere with ear cup sealing. The thing really does work. Even with long hair one should be able to pull it away enough to seal properly.
My biggest ear sealing issue is that sometimes the inner earcup lip gets folded upon entering the water. Then you can flood the ear cup. Adjusting it with gloves on is a bother. The earcups have an inner seal lip that encases the ear. There is an outer skirt that lays against your head, like a mask does. The inner seal has a small notch at the bottom, so you can clear the earcups just like you would clear a mask.
The reason LeisurePro has a close out sale is that there is a newer model Pro-Ear mask available now (my guess).
If you need a hood you can either cut ear holes in an existing hood or buy Pro-Ear's hood. It may seem like you are negating the purpose of your hood by cutting earholes in it. However, the earcups insulate your ears and head like the hood does. Also you are blowing warm air into the ear cups and over your dry, warm ears. It's really quite nice in cold water!
It is really great not having water clogged ears. You are not exposing your ears to water bourne pathogens, fish, sea lice, jellies etc. either.
The mask will cutdown on your hearing at the surface. A plus whilst sitting next to the outboard motor on a panga, a negative if the DM has something to tell you.
Underwater I had a better sense of sound direction. My reg bubbles are much less intrusive.
Stangd1909, you will have to equalize (clear) your ears, just like always. However, it's easier (IMHO) equalizing against air than water. Also no ice cream headaches.
battles2a5, you are thinking way too much. All of those problems are just as possible with exposed ears. I have had occasion where one earcup flooded and I couldn't correct it. Didn't bother me, no vertigo, just a wet ear.