About a week ago, I woke up with the sensation of the room spinning. Feelings of mild to moderate vertigo and general dizziness persisted for a couple of days after which I went to the ENT doctor who promptly diagnosed an inner ear infection. He asked me to refrain from diving “for the time being”.
There has been a gradual improvement over the past few days and the vertigo/dizziness only comes about for a few seconds after certain head movements and not too frequently. I feel very fine even though I can also feel that something is slightly ”off”.
Question is: I got a pretty major dive vacation booked over new year’s, so in about 3 weeks time. I absolutely dread even the thought of having to cancel it. To the doctors on here, or to those who have experienced something similar, what is the rate of improvement for such a condition? How long do inner ear infections last, and when can I dive again?
About a week ago, I woke up with the sensation of the room spinning. Feelings of mild to moderate vertigo and general dizziness persisted for a couple of days after which I went to the ENT doctor who promptly diagnosed an inner ear infection. He asked me to refrain from diving “for the time being”.
There has been a gradual improvement over the past few days and the vertigo/dizziness only comes about for a few seconds after certain head movements and not too frequently. I feel very fine even though I can also feel that something is slightly ”off”.
Question is: I got a pretty major dive vacation booked over new year’s, so in about 3 weeks time. I absolutely dread even the thought of having to cancel it. To the doctors on here, or to those who have experienced something similar, what is the rate of improvement for such a condition? How long do inner ear infections last, and when can I dive again?