Dutch Springs for the weekend of June 26 - 27?

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Augusta, Georgia
I missed last weekend due to work. Arghhh!!! (sorry again grunzster, FrankF, sylvester) I will DEFINITELY be there this weekend. My wife is doing her OW certification dives and we will be there all weekend. Yeah!!!

I'll be setting up a canopy for shade and a ground tarp on the grass for my gear. Anyone is welcome to drop theirs there as well.

I'll be looking for a dive buddy for both days.


PS Cross posted to Wreck Valley Forum as well.
I'm planning on heading up on Sunday. I usually go when they open, but might arrive an hour or so after that time.

Where will you be? I always head to the Peninsula side. I'll be loitering near the Underwater World group, which will no doubt convene under the trees where the picnic tables are located. What color's the canopy, where will you set it up, and what is your first name? I'll look you up.
I missed last weekend due to work. Arghhh!!! (sorry again grunzster, FrankF, sylvester) I will DEFINITELY be there this weekend. My wife is doing her OW certification dives and we will be there all weekend. Yeah!!!

I'll be setting up a canopy for shade and a ground tarp on the grass for my gear. Anyone is welcome to drop theirs there as well.

I'll be looking for a dive buddy for both days.


PS Cross posted to Wreck Valley Forum as well.

Disregard the last part of my question...duh. But let me know when/where if you want a buddy on Sunday. I'd love to do two or more that day if time permits.
Id be interested in meeting up at dutch, however i would like to get my kit squared away, so id be into doing a shallow and long dive. but if possiable id be into doing a night dive (have been away from dutch for a bit, is it still night dive on saturday?)
So if anyone is interested in doing a buoyancy/ kit config dive, followed by a night dive let me know.
Im not particular ill dive with anyone of any cert level.
-g mount

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