DUI CLx450

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Hey folks,

I am looking at buying the CLx450 and would like to know if anyone has used this one. From what I have read it seems to be pretty good but I would like to know the facts from a couple of people that have actually tried it. Any help would be appreciated.



I just recieved my CLx a few weeks ago. I have yet to dive with it, but I did some searching before I decided on it. I think you'll be happy if you get one. It's made from more durable material than the TLS series and if I'm not mistaken I believe it was designed with the wreck diver in mind (which I plan on being some day). If you are DIR then you'll want to get the thigh pockets for your "toys" (got mine from EE).

Damn, I just read the end of your post (want facts from people who've actually used it).

I still think you'll like it, though.

I have had a CLx450 since Jan, and I love it. It's much more durable than most "shell" suits due to the layer of Cordura. The longer drying time has not been an issue for me, but I guess it could be for somebody that travels via airlines with their suit quite a bit. I've got a pocket on the right thigh on my suit, and I'm planning to put one on the left side before too long. I use my suit mostly for cave and wreck diving. I use Weezle Extreme underwear, which keeps me nice and warm even during long dives - but a bit too warm on the surface....so when I put my drysuit on, I gear up immediately and get in the water. I've only got about 50 dives on my drysuit so far, but it's definitely a great suit for me.

I use the CLx-450 and it’s the best dry suit I’ve ever dove in. It’s durable & fast drying. Every stitch in the suit speaks of quality. Many instructors I know who have always worn the CF-200, are now switching to the CLx-450. I too use the Weezle Extreme undergarments as well as Diving Concepts dry gloves. I’ve never been warmer in the water and I dive only in the cold waters New England. It’s a great suit, you’ll be happy with it………………………………………………….Arduous
My wife, son and I all dived this suit at DUI demo days. We all liked it a lot. Yesterday we ordered one for my wife, along with undies and stuff to go with it. I was surprised that it's a little less costly than the CF-200.
DUI still regards it’s CF-200 as it’s top of the line suit, with the CLx-450 in second place. However the CF-200 is very heavy when wet and takes a long time to dry. The CLx-450 is a tough suit that dries quickly and will stand up to the needs of the wreck or technical diver……………….Arduous
Originally posted by Arduous
DUI still regards it’s CF-200 as it’s top of the line suit, with the CLx-450 in second place. However the CF-200 is very heavy when wet and takes a long time to dry. The CLx-450 is a tough suit that dries quickly and will stand up to the needs of the wreck or technical diver……………….Arduous

Sounds perfect!!
I've got about 500 dives on mine ranging from punching ice in Alaska to pushing sidemount cave in Florida. It has survived tight wrecks with jagged edges, Alaskan surf entries, being frozen into one solid piece(several times), and a long list of other stuff. I've even used it as a sleeping bag a couple of times when we had to hide from bad weather.
Good suit

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