Info Dslr to mirrorless migration paths

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Data is the base of informed decision making. I reference data points that are publicly available there are no opinions in there.
Some people choose to divert the problem and take to some extent misinformed decision some of them go as far as to discredit others that indeed want to actually think and reflect. It happens in all situations and long term the approach of not taking data point leads to problem unless you stay totally in the dark and in oblivion, to an extent ignorance is bliss. Mirrorless cameras in terms of absolute image quality today take better photos than DSLR this is simply due to the fact that DSLR are dead and sensor technology is moving forward however this does not mean you find a housing for that specific camera in that specific brand that is a follow on.

The idea that photographers take better images not cameras is in itself a non sense. the same photographer at that point in time will take different quality images using two cameras. Obviously ergonomics are also important for example autofocus if you cannot take an image than image quality does not matter as there is none. However I do not see how that is the case

The reality is that talking to people that sell housings there is very little migration ASPC to APSC simply because the choice is not really there. Canon users now with the R7 are making first steps. For many DSRL APSC Nikon user the path is to full frame. Many of those have chosen to abandon Nikon and are now shooting Sony. Almost nobody goes from Canon to Sony.

Clearly those facts may offend an hardcore Nikon user that thinks he has done the right choice and it triggers the wish to undermine others. Get some tissues instead as others are moving on
Also comparing the WWL-C to a fine lens like the Nikkor 8-15 is a bit of a joke. First is not the same FOV second is nowhere near as sharp and third WWL-C is not a great solution for close up shots it is a different use case. WWL C as the word say is for compact cameras

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