I recently bought a DUI TLS Signature. Custom fit with zip seals and a "Big H" Pvalve added. I dont remember much about the first dive I made in the suit, I was paying way too much attention to my bouyancy and making sure air purged out of my sholder. I did notice that I couldnt arch my back very much so it was hard to look up (parallel with the bottom) so I swam around looking down. The second dive was great in all aspects, I wasn't so paranoid about the suit, I put the waist band of my bp a little lower so it didn't restrict the drysuit from letting me move. I actually tried to get in a feet up attitude, and....nothing. Just like being in my wetsuit. I don't know if it was because I was wearing gators, or if rock boots had something to do with it, but no problems with floaty feet. Then again with my big ol size 16 feet, my legs have always been negative. I used my P valve on the second dive, ok I was a bit nervous about that, there was a bit of backpressure at first but then all flowed well I didn't feel wet. I think the Pvalve is a big plus and ablsolutely worth the extra $$ My 3rd and 4th dives I didn't get to experiment much due to major current, but the my next dives Im going to try without the gators.
I have seen other people on dive boats getting ready with the dry suits and I always thought "what a pain in the @$$!, I'll never get a drysuit" With my custom fit, my suit is even easier to put on than my custom fit wetsuit wich is like getting dressed in the morning! The only thing difficult about donning the DS is how to discreetly attatch your plumbing to .... your plumbing
The only bad thing about removing the DS is the plumbing from the Pvalve doesnt completely drain, it is actually filled with fluid after its initial use of the diveing day and will not completly drain untill it is disconected from...your plumbing
. You can do this easily in the head, but then the excess fluid runs out of the bolt and down the ouside of your DS leg. You also have to be carefull of any excess fluids in the cathater.
I do have one complaint about my DS, I didnt spend the extra $70 to get a second pocket on my left thigh...