Drysuit Pockets...Glue?

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Reaction score
Henderson, NV
# of dives
100 - 199
I just got a pocket for my drysuit and was told at my LDS that Aquaseal seal cement would work to glue the pocket on. Although I have not put anything in the pocket yet, or tried it out in the water, it looks sort of flimsy as if a solid pull to open it might detach the whole thing. I applied three coats, allowing time to dry in between and it has been sitting flat since I glued it two days ago. I am wondering if perhaps my fears are needless or if anyone has used seal cement for pockets. Also, if there are any other products that are reported or tested to work better please let me know...just in case...


I've used E-6000 successfully ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I've used E-6000 successfully ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Is that what we used on my drysuit? I have about 35 dives with the pockets now. One pocket is holding up great, the other pocket is peeling back just a bit from one corner. I think when we put it on, that corner didn't get a good bond and now it's just slowly seperating as in gets caught or rubbed up against stuff? All said though, the glue seems to work pretty well.
Is that what we used on my drysuit?

Yep ... :crafty:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I used aquaseal for a pocket on a wetuit. Seems to be holding fine, but it's only been about 25 dives so far. I'm thinking of gluing one on my Nex-Gen drysuit as well.
My pockets started peeling away at the corners and retreated further over time. I finally re-glued. It's just something to do every so often.
McNett seal cement is the recommended adhesive by Halcyon and 5th Dimension.
I just used aquaseal black seal cement. Seems to be a strong bond. I did rough up the pockets with a metal file though. And put 50lbs of weight on it with 2 1x3's stradling the seam on the suit. So most pressure would go on the flats of the suit.

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