stas:Hi everyone.
I would like some opinions on the following issues.
I need a drysuit for northeast wreck diving and lobstering (if there is such a word). That is, I'm planing on doing my tec and wreck training next year but would like to start diving a drysuit this year. I have been on local open water dives in a 7mm and other then freezing what I see is that everyone on board is in a DUI curshed neoprene suit. My lds is telling me that the CF200 or the FLX50/50 are the only things that I should be considering because of their durability and warmth. Do people agree with this idea and if not, what would you recomend. All comments welocomed.
My standard answer - all you need is a good fitting 23 piece 7mm suit. I've dove that in 38* water, I've been to 97 feet for 40 min in 40* water. It's sufficient.
That said, I did just recently become the proud owner of a Whites PolarTech dry suit. Crushed neoprene, good and durable. I see no reason not to recommend that, and I had orignally been looking at the DUIs, but the price difference caught my attention.