True... I mix and match all the time (and a lot of divers do)... if I'm cave-diving in Mx I'll take my flx anytime... but North Sea wrecks... might get some cf200 (crushed neoprene) time 
I know Oh Three for only making back entry suits... have they changed that? The only reason I would not go for such a suit is not a front entry setup -> telescopic torso... I have dived back entry drysuits and without the additional reach of the telescopic material the length of the suit limits shoulder motion (talking reaching valves). Do you order the suit a bit taller so you have this added range of motion?

I know Oh Three for only making back entry suits... have they changed that? The only reason I would not go for such a suit is not a front entry setup -> telescopic torso... I have dived back entry drysuits and without the additional reach of the telescopic material the length of the suit limits shoulder motion (talking reaching valves). Do you order the suit a bit taller so you have this added range of motion?