Drysuit Exhaust valve

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Does anyone know of a place on the net that sells DUI or Apeks exhaust valves? A place that also displays their prices upfront.
Thanks in advance.
have you tried leisurepro??...or maybe reef scuba??.....ebay has them on occaision...wish i could be more of a help
Since you're not getting much action on your question, I'll give you a pointer to a place with no prices listed. Better'n nothing!

I *think* DUI is using SI Tech valves. If so, here's their site:


I overheard a discussion while playing "fly on the wall" between a couple of DUI reps at a valve repair seminar; they were hoping they'd switch to Si Tech so they wouldn't need to HAVE a valve repair seminar.

I "think" that Apeks might've addressed some of their reliability issues, I know they did a nice job on re-designing the outside of the critters.
The exhaust valves look good, with nice rounded corners, still feel kinda funny though.

$75 for exhaust & $80 for inflators the last time I checked. (SiTechs)
Thanks for your responses. I too beleive Apeks exhaust valves are the same valve DUI uses. I have a SI Tech valve on my Whites DrySuit and I'm not satisfied with it. I wrote Whites when the suit was brand new and got no response. Then I called them and basically they told me with out testing it that its working like its suppose to. I have used many drysuits with Si Tech valves on them and never had a problem. Just seems to me that White's just has poor customer service. Its to bad because I usually purchase a suit once every 2 years. They lost me as a customer which is not really all that bad but when you consider that I have a computer and can reach thounsands of people in a simple little post and let them know what kind of people they would have to deal with if they purchased a Whites Drysuit. I'm sure you get my point. I will try writing SI Tech to see if I can get some satisfaction. In the mean time I still need a valve.
I'm violating my own self-imposed "no late night postings" rule here, but this is something with which I've had a recent experience. Since purchasing my drysuit, I have always felt that the exhaust valve did not vent quickly enough, and made a disticnt tinkling noise as it vented. I blamed myself for this - that I wasn't using the suit correctly. How would I know? Tired of listening to this, my s/o recently swapped out valves with me - same manufacturer for the valve, different label for the suit- and low and behold - he finds that "my" valve does vent much slower. Although I like the rate at which "his" valve vents, I no longer hear that unique air venting sound. Makes me wonder what the specifications are...and it's not a happy thought.
I received my new Apeks exhaust valve in the mail Friday. Its the exact same valve that is on my buddies DUI 450. I tried it first on a shallow dive on Saturday morning then on a 120ft dive on the St. Pete later on in the afternoon. This has to be by far the best valve I have ever had on my drysuits. I purchased it from SimplyScuba.com for like $58. It was ordered on the 12th and I received it on the 17th.(great first time experience with this company). I did end up writing SI Tech about my old valve and they were great people, very concerned about my complaints and said they would replace it. So all and all I'm happy with Apeks equipment as this is what I'm turning to for the majority of my equipment. I have 2 Apeks TX50 DS4's and 2 O2 cleaned TX40 DS4's and now one Apeks Exhaust valve. They have great products. Whites drysuits on the other hand have bad customer service but nice sturdy suits and use an Ehaust valve made by SI Tech which is a great company to work with for concerns on their products. So I'm HAPPY HAPPY!!!

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