Dry Tortugas

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Taylors, SC
# of dives
200 - 499
Queztal and I are going to the Dry Tortugas liveaboard "The Ultimate Getaway" for 4 days of spear fishing and lobstering. The boat leaves Ft. Myers and go about 80 miles west of Key West and around Ft. Jefferson. Has anyone been on this liveaboard? If so, was it a good trip? Any feedback would be appreciated.I'm hoping to catch a lot of lobster and spear a lot of fish. This will be my first time doing both. We leave Ft. Myers on 3/17.
Yeah I'm Really Looking Forward To This. I Haven't Been Wet Since 12-12-04. And My Freezer Was Empty Till A Guy Gave Me Some Tuna Steaks Yesterday.
14 More Days
It's a good trip. But it's not the Ritz in accomadations. As long as you go with that theory and plan to have a good time, you'll want to go back. You have to take your own sleeping bag/pillow for example.

I hope to go on another trip with my LSD with them in a few months.
....Has anyone been on this liveaboard? If so, was it a good trip?...
I did it a couple of years ago. Like Mike said the accommodations are basic but the diving is excellent.

The boat has two bunk rooms. The front room holds six people and there are two beds outside the room by a bathroom. Those two bunks looked like the best ones on the boat to me.

Don't take much in the way of clothes. You'll be spending most of the time in your swimming suit and there's not a lot of storage space in the cabins.

Plan on doing a lot of diving. Some people on our trip got in seven dives a couple of days. Most of the diving on our trip was shallow so you could rack up lots of bottom time. The last day going back to Fort Myers had a couple of deep dives that were kind of neat.

There was a lot of fish life including Goliath Groupers. We saw several of those.

Geeeze, now I want to go back.

Hope that helps.
hmmmm.... Make sure you sleep in the other cabin. I've heard you snore too loud.


That's why I should take one of those two bunks OUTSIDE the bunk rooms. That way I only distrub one person. :).

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