Hello every one. This is my first thread, Ive been diving for awhile but im new to this online thing. Ive been diving wet and untill this year ive only dove during the warm months here in newengland. I started a new job and a few of my coworkers dive all year round using dry suits. I dove 7 times with them since jan 1 and not to sound like a wimp but its been pretty darn cold. I have a freind who doesnt dive any more who wants to sell me his dry suit. Luckly this guys is allmost my twin so the suit fits very well. I went to the dive shop that i got my advanced training from and told them that id like to take the dry suit dive traing course. I wont metion thier name but they told me i had to buy a dry suit from them or use one of thier rentals. I told them that i wasnt going to buy a newsuit because i was going to buy a my freinds suit and that i had no problem with renting a drysuit. Then they told me that they didnt have a drysuits that would fit me in the rentals. So they left it with, you can take the course if you buy a drysuit. Well i dont thick i have to tell you that im not going to buy a brand new drysuit just to take the course.
Every thing i dive with came from that one shop you would think that they would try to work something out with me. Before i start calling around do you guys think all the dive shops are that way? Did any of you do your drysuit traing with a used suit? Id like to know, thanks
Every thing i dive with came from that one shop you would think that they would try to work something out with me. Before i start calling around do you guys think all the dive shops are that way? Did any of you do your drysuit traing with a used suit? Id like to know, thanks