Dry Gloves

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I have a pair of Nordic Blue gloves and a pair of Northern Diver dry gloves.

The latter are made of kevlar and neoprene with a latex seal. They have very little finger mobility.
Diving Concepts rings with Atlas lined blue gloves...
Two sets of suit rings and three sets of glove rings...
(back up gloves ready to go)

I love having warm dry hands.
Originally posted by diver gadget
How often do you go through a pair of gloves?? What is your mobility like???
Not very often... in fact I probably went over board in having a set for each suit and a backup set of gloves...

Shane however did ruin a pair of gloves pulling the anchor line by hand... actually it wasn't the pulling that ruined them... it was let the line slip through his grip that holed them...

Mobility? I assume you mean dexterity... good... better than heavy wet-gloves or frozen fingers... :D
I did mean dexterity. Thanks for the info. One of my LDS was telling me that the Diving concept rings were great. I was originaly talking to a fellow diver who recently bought a pair of Bare dry gloves. He loves them. I mentioned them to my LDS and they said the rings are not as good as the Diving Concept rings. I figure I will pick a pair up this week and try em out!
I use the Viking dry glove system. It uses rings in the suit cuffs and a heavy latex glove snaps over the ring. I keep the wrist seal intact in case I tear a glove. To avoid "glove squeeze", I have sewn a 3" length of aquarium tubing to the wrist of the glove liner, which I run under the wrist seal to allow air to pass back and forth. If you do tear a glove, you just pull out the tube. Viking also makes two versions of mitts with thicker liners for longer exposures.

I have great dexterity with the gloves, but they aren't as durable as say the DUI glove. Having said that, I have about 250 dives on my current pair and they are just now showing signs of wear... but I do have a spare pair in my bag...

I use the Diving Concepts dry gloce / ring system. I have had good luck with them and my hnads stay much warmer than a heavy wet suit glove....................Arduous
I dont know what kind I have but they sure keep my hands a lot warmer than they were when using wet gloves.:)

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