H2Andy:people are addicts for a reason. if you treat the addiction (which is awesome,
and needs to be done), you're just treating the sympton.
Kim:Actually TSandM is a surgeon so I think that her medical advice is sound and is certainly a good answer.
I am aware of our equestrian loving, surgical resident here on SB. And allow me to say to TSandM I value your opinions on many various subjects.
My concern with the placement of the thread is that it pushed this off to a "non-diving related" forum. I believe someone asking about addiction and contra-indications seems to be a diving medicine question.
Secondly, TSandM's suggestion that a physical is in order is to me, shortsighted. A thorough physical is commonly a required step in a comprehensive rehab program.
Kim, perhaps you've been influenced by the TV version where you lock an addict in a room for a couple days until the DTs are over and they are all cured. If it were that simple then I'd agree a physical is the logical next choice.
But as Andy has pointed out, addiction is a manifestation of a deeper problem that motivates the self-destructive behaviors. Just because they are physically fit doesn't mean that the self-hate has been removed, it doesn't show up on x-rays or blood tests, it is explored and addressed throughout a rehab program.