Driving my 1978 GMC 3/4 ton with a new set of 16.5 inch D load range radial tires last spring. I was carrying my 10.5 foot slide in camper on its back, loaded with gear, 30 gallons of water and 40 pounds of propane. It's a big camper, and even has a washroom at the rear with a holding tank across the bottom under back side. I was pulling my boat, a 17.5 foot fiberglass Larson open bow down the highway when BAM! The left front tire exploded, with rubber flying all over the highway and ripping a large section of the fender away.
To my complete amazment, the truck merely dropped down on it's left front and kept on tracking straight down the highway. The flapping of the exploded tire beating the crap out of the fender was a little disconcerting, but I just slowed down, pulled over and stopped.
Glad I purchased 5 tires instead of 4. Changed the tire, hammered out the fender, and continued on to the diving weekend. Everyone of course asked what happened when they saw the truck, I just pointed to the tire. The trucks been repaired and looks new again (I keep it looking new even though it is 26 years old), and have a new found respect for the old girl. I would have thought that with that kind of a load, pulling a trailer, a front blowout would have been deadly. But it ended up that the old truck handled it perfectly, without even a hint of going out of control.
The tire dealer, BF Goodrich, was at a loss to explain, and replaced the tire, seeing that it was only 10 days old with out any questions.