Hi DD,
You are imparting some good advice, along with others--THX!
What is a "pre-rigged crack bottle DSMB"?
Thanks Mark.
I am a bit of a current connoisseur so my views are "biased in that respect"
While a picture is worth 1000 words, I don't have one and my gear is packed for tomorrow
My dsmb is the
AP dsmb with inflation cylinder The cylinder comes in either yoke or Din so you refill it from your main cylinder before a dive. It holds 0.1 litre rated to 232bar (0.8 cf) There is enough air to fully inflate it at the surface and still have the OPV dump. When opened underwater teh bottle inflates all the way up and the OPV deals with any excess. They are always fully inflated at the surface, and are rigid enough to hold the dsmb above yoru head holding just the cylinder
Mine is coupled to an
Apex lifeline spool. I have various sizes
How I pre-rig:
My dsmb, is semi permanently attached to the spool with a carabiner (so I can swop spools and dsmbs etc) Also attached to the dsmb is a loop of bungee which goes over the spool preventing the line unwinding. You can shake the dsmb hard and the spool will not unwind
The spool and dsmb also have a "safety" bolt snap between them to keep them together when I roll into the water. The dsmb lives in a pocket on my waist belt.
If I need to deploy in a hurry then the basic method it this:
Pull out the dsmb and spool together, unclip the spool from the bolt snap which stays on the dsmb.
Rip off the dsmb velcro strap and give it a quick shake, I'll be holding the cylinder valve in my right hand. At the same time pull the spool away from the dsmb, the bungee pulls itself off and the spool gives my some line. a quick 1/4 of the wrist is all that's needed to crack the valve open, and the dsmb is on its way up.
I can (and have) done this being tossed around in a washing machine current, it is very fast. Because of its "power" it can punch through most currents on the way to the surface - I have seen it go downwards a little in a down current before buoyancy won - slower ascending dsmb's can be taken more horizontally on their way up
The downsides: The dsmb is expensive (£144 or $182USD) . Mine last 5 years, the inner liner of the dsmb which seals the main material degrades in our heat and UV. The crack bottle gets abuse obv as it fully empties and does get water inside. I do wash it, but bin it rather than hydro it.
They are "heavy" and bulky. Even though its expensive, I find it an excellent bit of kit and good value for me. My first one had 600 launches before I replaced it. That sadi if I'm on vacation and "easy diving" I just take a normal 6' dsmb - teh same design but without the crack bottle, it has a wide enough nech to easily get a reg into without hassle
I'm also a big fan of the Apex spools, I find them well engineered and efficient to use, they're also compact given the amount of line - I have 6 of them split evenly between the 45m and 60m. I've used derilin and find these way better - but again there is a cost (although I don't pay the advertised price) But everyone will have differing opinions.
Other people might decide that $250 is way too much and that fine. But I've been very thankful for my spool and dsmb in times of "difficulty", it comes under the "cold dead hands" heading for me