Dream Divemaster training Destination

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Reaction score
Leicester, England
# of dives
50 - 99
Hay Guys

Best place to do your Divemaster training? Next year me and my girlfriend will be taking 4 – 5 weeks to go away somewhere in the world and complete our Divemaster training we are currently rescue divers and have done around 70 dives each. We are looking for somewhere AMAZING to complete our training, my thoughts are either Raja Ampat in Indonesia, Palau islands in the pacific or Belize in central America. We have already dived Thailand, Borneo, Malaysia, The Philippines, Australia and the Gili Islands in Bali. Any thoughts or suggestions will be very welcome.
Costa Rica is definitely a great place to complete your training. With great diving, beaches and so much else you will have a fantastic experience. Check out out website;
i made my Instructor Development Course in Roatan, a Island just in front of Honduras at Subway Watersports.
Roatan and Utilla is a true hotbed for Dive Masters and Instructors and offers very nice diving in clear, blue waters with beautiful reefs, but no so much fishes. As there are tons of dive shops it may be easier to get a job after your dive education.

Ecuador and galapagos islands, i have seen a few operations online some even offer some spanish training, too. Galapagos seem like an epic place to get your DM cert.
I was impressed with the program that Coconut Tree Divers has in the West End of Roatan. They are a teaching factory so you will gets lots of experience working with divers taking a wide variety of classes.

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