Dove the Fusion for first time - Impressions

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The man behind the fish
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Scuba Instructor
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Kanagawa and Florida
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Did 9 dives with my new fusion this weekend
Shore entry
Tech Skin with pockets, pee valve
Previous suits - Trilam DUI and USIA
undergarment - 300 wt fleece and polypro liner

Donning - Getting my legs in was a bit trickier for me than with previous trilams. However, the arms and head were much easier. I've always had diagonal zippers in the past...the fusion zipper placement is very cool. Comfortable to walk around in with arms inserted, but head not.

Doffing - Dead easy.

Fit - As advertised. I'm 174 cm and 82kg...the LG/XL fit me, and a few other people I let try it on, like a glove. The compression idea of the outer skin is a real winner.

Mobility - Nothing short of amazing.

Pee Valve - I've had this miniature Sitek before. It's OK. I'd prefer something a bit lower profile and the fiddly nature of the on/off setting puts me off. Also, the hose that comes with this valve is too short and mushy to my liking. Also, it does not come with a plastic adaptor to fit into wide band condoms. That was an annoyance...

Pockets - Yeah, a little on the small side, though nice design. They did sag a few inches when walking around, but you would not notice it until you looked.

Drying - The outer skin takes a REALLY long time to dry. I had mine out for a day so far and still damp....

Altera and Evo boots - I used a set of Henderson wetsuit booties over my soft socks and they fit into my XL jets. My DM did the same at first. Then he tried his EVO3 boots with 3XL Turtle fins. He feet floated up. I put the EVO3s in a tub of water and was surprised at how dang floaty they were. I assume the Alteras will be the same. I feel these should both be neutral. The Turtles are not as heavy as Jetfins...., so I wonder if this is causing other folks out there some problems...

Weighting and bubble management - It was my first drysuit dive of the year, but bubble management seemed about the same as previous suits. I have been accused of poor memory in the past, but I think this year may have required a bit more weight than int eh past. I dive double AL 90s with a custom v weight, SS plate and this weekend, 4 extra kg in pockets. I think this same configuration required about 2 kg less in the past, but I may be foggy,...

Sitek attachable ring/glove system - Jury still out on this one, but I'll give it more time...
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Thanks for the report. What was the water temp. and how was the warmth factor with your existing undergarments (rather than the Whites MK2s)? What did you think of the convenience zipper? I've been leaning toward ordering one of these since I tried it on a few weeks ago...(damned economy has me stalling).
The water was probably not drysuit temps for many of the readers out there...17 to 19 C. I used the same undergarment I've been using in the past, USIA stretch fleece, double layer. For this temp, it was more than enough...

I don't have a relief zipper, I've got a pee vavle. I don't think they offer the Fusion with a relief zipper do they? Go for the She pee...
The water was probably not drysuit temps for many of the readers out there...17 to 19 C. I used the same undergarment I've been using in the past, USIA stretch fleece, double layer. For this temp, it was more than enough...

I don't have a relief zipper, I've got a pee vavle. I don't think they offer the Fusion with a relief zipper do they? Go for the She pee...

I believe he was referring to the relief zipping in the MK2 undergarments.
(I have them myself, but so far haven't needed to use it)

As for the weighting, could it be that it is your first drysuit dive of teh year and you still have some rustyness to work out from the change?

The reason I say this, I found when I moved to my Fusion, I was able to remove several pounds.
I dive my Fusion with double 72's, 95's or X7-100's with a 6 lb ss plate and no other weight at all - no different than with a tri-lam.

I have not noted the floaty problem with the EVO3 boots and I have used them with both XXL Jet fins and with the much lighter XXL OMS Slipstreams.

The saggy pockets are a pain out of the water but are fine in the water. I have seen a suggestion to glue velcro to the bladder under the pockets and sew the mating portion of the velcro on the underside of the pocket to cure the sag issue. I may do that.

I am not a fan of the pockets themselves, they are ok, but not stellar by any means.

The suit is much liek putting on a pair of pantyhose and gets harder to get into as the slick finish wears off the inside. Some users have reported using a dry lubricant spray inside the suit to restore that slippery finish with good results that lasts 20 or so dives. Still it would not be my first choice to don in a dive boat pitching in 5 ft seas.

Overall though it is the best swimming and most flexible dry suit I have ever owned and I have owned a lot of them over the years.
I have not noted the floaty problem with the EVO3 boots and I have used them with both XXL Jet fins and with the much lighter XXL OMS Slipstreams.

The saggy pockets are a pain out of the water but are fine in the water. I have seen a suggestion to glue velcro to the bladder under the pockets and sew the mating portion of the velcro on the underside of the pocket to cure the sag issue. I may do that.

I have not noticed the float of the boots either, but on the next dive I'll pay more attention.

Yeah, the velcro I glued between the skin and the shell at the pockets is working fantastic! (link) Make sure to use the wide (3"?) velcro. I've already forgotten that I used to have to hike the thing up after a dive. That has become a non-issue.

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