Double Hose Regulators

What type of doubel hose regulator do you own.

  • Aqua lung

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Voit

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Nemrod

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Healthways

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  • Divair

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  • Northill

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  • Siebe Gorman

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I have an Aquamaster and 2 DA Aquamasters. Haven't dove them ever, but I'm thinking I ought to put together a retro-dive outfit and see what reaction I get on the dive boats: no BC, rubber suit, DH reg, big old knife, tiny rubber fins, J-valve. Capillary guage on my wrist. What fun that must be!

I never dove them except in a pool. Seems like you have to work a little too hard to breath them. I just sold a DA to a guy in Thailand and will be selling a beat up Minstrel soon.
I am shocked how much folks are willing to spend on these things.
I use it only when i need air-way exercise. Seriously, they are fun to use in a retro way but what i believe Walter is trying to say, at least in part is, they tend to breathe hard, i mean really hard when compared to modern regs.

Definately helps you appreciate modern regulator design, any modern regulator!
A properly tuned high quality double hose shouldn't be very unpleasant in the breathing resistance department.
The USD Royal Aqua Master and Nemrod Snark III were the 2 best performers that I know of. The Snark IIIs were being made up 'till just 3 (4?) years ago, they were very popular with the shutterbugs.

The older 1 stage regs were pretty bad tho.
Dectek once bubbled...
I just sold a DA to a guy in Thailand and will be selling a beat up Minstrel soon.
I am shocked how much folks are willing to spend on these things.
I sold a couple of DH regs several years ago for what seem a huge price to me... one to a guy in Japan and another to a guy in California.... fortunately I got paid for both.... but you have to be really careful...

BTW check out: for some interesting stuff.
Thanks, but I can speak for myself. I was not, "trying to say" anything. I said exactly what I meant to say.

The reason I said it is because Neil is an accomplished diver who has never used a double hose. As an accomplished diver, he is likely to try different gear in open water, since with minor differences, one is pretty much like another and he is skillful enough to switch with no ill effects and he's aware of this. As someone who's never used a double hose, he's not likely to understand that a double hose breathes differently from a single hose. These differences might cause him problems until he's used to them. Anyone trying a double hose for the first time should practice in a pool.
Your caution is well taken. I would definitely practice in the pool first. I am well aware of the problems associated with DH regs. Although I've never used one, I got the chance to overhaul one for a customer once back when I worked in a shop. Parts are still available if you know where to look, and I got the thing working pretty darn nicely. His dad had trained with it as a Navy Seal back in the 60's, and he wanted it to be in working order to use in his pool.
I have used rebreathers and am told they breathe very much like DH regs.

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